Car & Truck Show – July 20, 2019
Photo gallery of the 2nd Annual Joyce Insurance Group Car & Truck Show to benefit the Greater Pittston YMCA on Saturday 7/20/2019. A big thank you to our event sponsors Hagerty, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, and Travelers Insurance, as well as our raffle baskets donors — Susquehanna Brewing Co., Benny Brewing Co., A&A Auto Stores, AutoZone, Cee Kay Auto-Pittston, and Sharon Logan, LMT. A shout out to our Touch-A-Truck donors Robert Faber Excavating & Landscaping, Hadley Construction, Prime Trucking, Latona Trucking & Excuvationg Inc., and the City of Pittston Bureau of Fire. A special thanks to the City of Pittston Facilities Management Team and the City of Pittston Police Department for all of their support. Lastly, Ken Pollock Auto Group for bringing a nice collection of vehicles to the show.
For all of your classic and collectible car insurance needs, please give us a call.